An Evening Spent With Single Women Honoring Married Women

Posted by on Jun 10, 2013 in Blog | Comments Off on An Evening Spent With Single Women Honoring Married Women

I lead a small group in my home and one of the single members in my group is now leading her own group. Thursday evening was a time for our two small groups to come together and study the instructions to “Honor Marriage.” We were also informed that it would be a time for the single women to honor the married women. When we entered the home of our host  it was decorated and inviting. The table was set with great food and the air was filled with excitement and anticipation of what was to come. There were over 200 yrs of marriage experience in the room. But the leader of the lesson was one of the single ladies. She was so prepared with her information and she taught inductively straight from the Word. We covered a wide range of what God said about marriage. One of the single women asked why is it that married women talk about marriage as being “work?” The married women responded with their answers. It was powerful! After the study time the host brought out Sparkling Cider with champagne glasses and made a toast to the married women for standing and being faithful to their marriages. The evening came to a close with the single women washing our (married women) feet. With them praying for us and we then praying for them. The single lady who was assigned to me was new to the foot washing experience and I was as uncomfortable with the thought of having my feet washed (I was well overdue for a pedicure). We were a good match :-). God has his way of amazingly blessing us when we yield to the Holy Spirit. I can’t explain how God used her to refresh me as she ministered to me. A simple thank you seemed inadequate. My heart was filled with gratitude and my Spirit was refreshed. I am so grateful that we both submitted to His plan. I was also blessed by how she prayed for me. Amazing! God is so smart, He knows exactly what we need. I was humbled by her genuine act of kindness. In my 25 years of ministry I have never experienced being encouraged and honored by single women for being married. We were also able to pray for them and bless them. It was a special time of true celebration and honoring...

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